

I teach every field of Behavioural Ecology, which is the evolutionary approach of behaviour. I also provide lectures about non-genetic inheritance and its implications for evolution.

  • I teach mainly at Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse where I give lectures in L2 to M2.
  • I supervise Master internships, training stages, PhD students and Postdocs. The last two categories are detailed below.


You can see two of my lectures that are part of an online video module on animal culture:

  • A video lecture about Cultural transmission in insects. Click here
  • A video lecture about the evolutionary implications of animal culture: Click here

For a written online course for high school teachers on the importanve of cultural heredity  Click here


Current PhDs

  • No more PhDs supervised

Current Post-Docs

  • No more Post-Docs supervised


Former supervision


  • Ricardo Santiago: Conformity in mate choice in humans and Drosophila melanogaster. ‘PhD started in 2019, on a CNRS 80|PRIME Interdisciplinary PhD grant. Interdisciplinarity between INEE, INSHS and INSB. Co-supervized with Guillaume Isabel and Paul Seabright.
  • Magdalena Monier: Mate Copying in drosophile: evolutionary and mechanistic approaches (PhD Grant from the ENS Cachan. Co-supervized with Guillaume Isabel. Started in 2015. Defended in 2020).
  • Xiaobo Wang : Cultural evolution in Fish. (PhD with a Chinese PhD grant. Co-supervized with Sabine Nöbel and Myriam Roussigné. Started in 2012. defended in 2016).
  • Anne-Cécile Dagaeff : Cultural evolution in Drosophila melanogaster (PhD started in 2011, with a French PhD grant. Co-supervised with Guillaume Isabel. Defended in 2015).
  • Thomas Merkling: On sexratio and sibling competition: an insight into reproductive decisions in the black-legged kittiwake
    (Rissa tridactyla). (PhD started in 2010, French PhD grant. Co-supervized with Pierrick Blanchard. Defended in 2013).
  • Nadia Silva: Interspecific habitat copying. Co-supervised with Deseada Parejo (Spain), PhD started in 2004, with a French PhD grant. PhD defended in 2008.
  • Mathilde Baude : Social information in a foraging context in bumble bees. Consequences at the community level. (co-supervised with Isabelle Dajoz, Paris), PhD started in 2005, with a French PhD grant. PhD defended in 2009).
  • Susana Varela : The role of Social Information in fitness enhancing decision making. (co-supervised with Richard H. Wagner (Austria), PhD started in 2002, with a grant from Portugal). PhD defense in 2008. Simon Blanchet, Etienne Danchin and Susana Varela in the fish lab.
  • Joel White : The young sperm hypothesis. (co-supervised with Richard H. Wagner (Austria), PhD started in 2003, with a French PhD grant). PhD defended in 2007.  Joël White holding a kittiwake chickon Middleton’s experimental Tower.
  • Hervé Mulard : Mate choice in a genetically monogamous species. (co-supervised with Richard H. Wagner (Austria), PhD started in 2004, with a French PhD AMN grant). PhD defended in 2007. Hervé Mulard on Middleton.
  • Sarah Leclaire : Mate choice in a genetically monogamous species : The role of odors. (co-supervised with Richard H. Wagner (Austria)), PhD started in 2006, with a French PhD grant). Sarah Leclaire on Middleton. Sarah Leclaire on Middleton


  • Sabine Nöbel: Cultural transmission in fish and drosophila. (On the Soc-H² ANR grant from 2014 to 2018, then An IAST interdisciplinary grant until mid 2021). Co-supervized with Guillaume Isabel, and Paul Seabright.
  • Laure-Anne Poissonnier: Neurogenetics of mate-copying ins Drosophila melanogaster. (On the MoleCulture ANR grant, 2019-2021. Co-supervised with Guillaume Isabel).
  • Simon Blanchet: Cultural transmission in fish and drosophila. (Fyssen PostDoc grant).
  • Adeline Loyau: Cultural transmission in fish and drosophila. (CNRS PostDoc grant, co-supervized with Jean Clobert).
  • Deseada Parejo: On a Marie Curie Euroean Postdoctoral Grant.