Books & chapters


La Synthèse inclusive de l’évolution, L’hérédité au delà du Gène égoïste

Septembre 2022
Actes Sud, Paris.

A book written for scientists, any kind of teachers and students of biology, and all biology enthusiasts. It presents a new conceptual framework derived from the Modern Synthesis of Evolution and allowing the integration of all recent discoveries concerning the various channels of heredity.

Richard Dawkins, author of the famous “Selfish Gene”, provides in the foreword a very telling illustration of the importance of the non-genetic replicators that are at the centre of this book.

This book will also be published in English soon.

L’hérédité comme on ne vous l’a jamais racontée

May 2021
HumenSciences, Paris

A book in French to inform the general public about recent developments in the mechanisms of inheritance that drives evolution

Behavioural Ecology


Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. 2008.
Oxford University Press.

A textbook in English for university students as well as teachers and researchers including 20 chapters written by different authors

Écologie comportementale


Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. 2005
Sciences Sup. Dunod. 650 pages.

A textbook in French for university students as well as teachers and researchers including 17 chapters written by different authors



Clobert, J., Danchin, É., Dhondt, A. A. and Nichols, J. D. 2001
Oxford University Press, New York

A scientific book in English involving a large number of authors specialists in the various subjects relevant to the study of Dispersal


Book chapters

  • Danchin, É., Heg, D. and Doligez, B. 2001. Public information and breeding habitat selection. Chapter 17. In Dispersal (Clobert, J., Danchin, E., Dhondt, A. A. and Nichols, J. D. eds) : 243- 258. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Ronce, O. Clobert, J., Olivieri, I. and Danchin, É. 2001. Perspectives for the study of dispersal evolution. Chapter 24. In Dispersal. (Clobert, J., Danchin, E., Dhondt, A. A. and Nichols, J. D. eds) : 340-357. Oxford University Press, Oxford.Danchin, É., Cézilly, F. and Giraldeau, L-A . 2008. Fundamental Concepts in Behavioural Ecology. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 55-53. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Cézilly, F., Danchin, É. and Giraldeau, L.-A. 2008. Testing Hypotheses in Behavioural Ecology. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 55-95. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Danchin, É. and Wagner, R. H. 2008. An information driven approach to behaviour. In : Behavioural Ecology. Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 97-131. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Dufty A. M. and Danchin, É. 2008. Hormones and behaviour. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp.185-228. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Boulinier, T., Mariette, M., Doligez, B. and Danchin, É. 2008. Choosing Where to Reproduce – Breeding Habitat Selection. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 285-321. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Clobert, J., de Fraipont, M. and Danchin, É. 2008. Evolution of Dispersal. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 323-359. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Danchin, É. and Cézilly, F. 2008. Sexual Selection : Another Evolutionary Process . In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 363-426. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Cézilly, F. and Danchin, É. 2008. Mating Systems and Parental Care. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 429-465. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Danchin, É. and Giraldeau, L.-A . 2008. Animal aggregattion : Hypotheses and Controversies. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 503-545. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Møller, A. P. and Danchin, É. 2008. Behavioural Ecology and Conservation. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 647-664.. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Møller, A. P. and Danchin, É. 2008. The behavioural ecology of humans. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 667-691. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Danchin, É. and Wagner, R. H . 2008. Cultural evolution. In : Behavioural Ecology, Danchin, É., Girladeau, L.-A. and Cézilly, F. (eds), pp. 693-726. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Pocheville, A., and É. Danchin. 2017. “Genetic Assimilation and the Paradox of Blind Variation.” In Challenging the Modern Synthesis. Adaptation, Development, and Inheritance (Ed. by Humeman, P. & Walsh, D.), 111–36. Oxford: Oxford University press.
  • Danchin, É. 2022. “More than Fifty Shades of Epigenetic for the Study of Early in Life Effects in Medicine, Ecology and Evolution.” In Development Strategies and Biodiversity – Darwinian Fitness and Evolution in the Anthropocene, Costantini, D., Marasco, V. (Eds), 3–35. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • Danchin, É. 2023. “Chapter 18: From the Modern Synthesis to the Inclusive Evolutionary Synthesis: An Einsteinian Revolution in Evolution.” In Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines, du Crest, A., Valkovic, M., Huneman, P. & Reydon T.A.C. (Eds), 26:401–27. Syntheses Library, Springer.
  • Danchin, Etienne, Guillaume Isabel, and Sabine Nöbel. 2024. “Culture in Insects.” In The Handbook of Cultural Evolution, 1–19. Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford University Press.